Coton Buds

Diary of a Coton de Tulear owner

Friday, April 27, 2007


Yu You has a couple of Bichon Frises (not sure if that is the plural!) that she plays with in the park, Boo Boo and Pheobe. Boo Boo is named after Yogi Bears companion apparently...

Today only Boo Boo came out to play and a few other big dogs. His owner is a very nice woman and is quite chatty. So there we were, letting our dogs exercise each other for us when I noticed Boo Boo has a white thing in his mouth. At first I thought it was a tissue and being a bit of a protective dog owner I thought I'd better take it from him. I know Yu You chews and tries to swallow everything and then proceeds to have a minor asthma attack afterwards. But as I reached for it I had to pull my hand back as I realised it wasn't a tissue but - EWW- a used condom. EWW. EWW. At this point Boo Boo has run away from me, clearly not understanding the situation!

Ok, so this is not my dog, but I can't let him eat it so I start to chase him shouting at him to leave it. Not my dog so doesn't pay attention (although what's new there as my own one also does not pay attention!). At this point his owner asks what is it he has in his mouth and I have to mutter it to her to save embarassment as there were other owners around. At which point we have caught Boo Boo and the decision has to be made about how to get it out of his mouth... again, not my dog so obviously I do not volunteer to touch it! Boo Boo's owner eventually managed to ping it out of his mouth with her finger nails only and we have to quickly black bag it (they should use this as an example of why dog owners shuld carry poo bags!) as Boo Boo insisted on getting it back!

Anyway, I thought I'd just share this nice surburban dog walking story with you.... hope I haven't ruined your dinner!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Bird alert!

Boomer and Yu You ganged up yesterday and somehow managed to chase a bird into the kitchen. Little monsters! "\(.:.:.)/"

There we were eating dinner and all of a sudden there are a lot of scrabbling noises in the kitchen and Daniel goes in to investigate. I remain on the sofa as I am lazy and had assummed Yu You had draggged in some twig stuck to her furry behind or such like... He did yell that there was a bird in the kitchen but I didn't really understand until I walk in on him cleaning bird blood off of the kitchen window! Bleeeeee!

Luckily for the bird, Daniel got there in time, caught it and set it free but not before it had flown into the window and given itself a nose/beak(?) bleed.

There was a lot of flash disinfectant sprayed that evening as I tidied up feathers and some strange grey liquid that appearred on the cabinet doors! I don't wanna know.

On the bright side, at least it wasn't me who went to look! birds freak me out - beaks and claws - arrrrgh!!! You may be hugley unsurprised to learn I won't watch a v famous Hitchcock film...


Yu You's scar is healing well and she has resummed her role as the largest rabbit in the park. I am sure she has the soul of a doberman though! Grrr!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Stiches are out!

And she's doing well. There is a tiny bit which seems slightly raw but no bleeding which I shall take as a good sign. Our neighbours Jack Russell had the same op in March but ended up with a small cyst which burst (bleee!) so we are watching out for that.

p.s. Jack Russel is a nedette dog - head butted Yu You last week! I had to carry her home so she couldn't do it again!! No manners!

Monday, April 09, 2007

If only!

If only I could get her to do this on command!

Update on op

Yu You is doing well since her operation and tomorrow the stitches come out! Hoorah! It's been hard stopping her from jumping up and running up and down the stairs. She doesn't seem to feel much discomfort from the stitches at all. I think they might be itching a bit now as she is trying to lick them a lot more.

I'll be glad once she's given the all clear and can have walks off leash again though. She's soo soooooo slow walking on leash! Has to sniff every lampost and catch up with the doggy gossip!

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Friday was the date of Yu You's big operation i.e. neutered. At the same time we asked the vet to remove the small hernia she'd had since she was born as it was on her tummy anyway.

When I took her in on Friday morning she was her usual waggy tail self and as she's not scared of the vets she was quite happy to be there until she realised I was leaving! The operation requires an overnight stay so we didn't pick her up until Saturday monring. I called at 10am like they asked me to but ended up feeling like a neglectful parent when as soon as I said I had a dog in to be spayed yesterday they knew immediately it was for Yu You! It made me wonder if perhaps she was the last to be either picked up or called about!! But they said call at 10am!! It's like being the last one at the school gates to pick up your child after school! :(

Anyway, the operation went well and she was pleased to see us although very droopy and sluggish. I think she also charmed the nurses as there were a lot of "she's so sweet" comments. That's my girl!

Here are some photos of her after we got her home.

Note the droopyness. Poor baby!

This is her little protective "hat" to stop her messing up her stiches. She hates it as when she bends her head it drags on the floor and scares her. I had to put it on her this morning as there was a lot of investigation of her belly going on - she sat for almost 2hours not moving because it was on! I think she lay a bit but always with her head up. Stubburn miss! Although does that add more to my neglectful parent profile...?

She slept a lot during the evening. At least she used to sleeping on her back anyway and didn't seem uncomfortable at all. You can see her huge wound on the second pic but only look if not squeamish!