Coton Buds

Diary of a Coton de Tulear owner

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Well a lot has been going on with Yu You this week. I bought the car booster seat as I said I would in an early blog. Initially I thought I may not buy it as we could use the cage in the car but after a few journeys with her whining and being sick I thought I'd just spend the £25 or so and buy it. We had our first outing in it on Thursday when we went to puppy class. It was a miserable day so she is very wet from her walk.

But it worked! She didn't whimper and just sat quietly and occasionally curled up and had a few winks. Worth the stares I think!

This Friday was also the big haircut day for her. I have a picture of her before and after...



She looks like a properly pampered pooch! All fluffy and nice smelling. She was a bit subdued after coming back but was back to her smiley self after a few games of tug of war! \(^-^)/

Boomer has been growing big too. She keeps wanting to sneak out the front door and the other day ventured as far as next doors front garden. I had to drag her back though as they have a cat hating terrier! She sleeps behind me on my office seat but has recently started to take up lots of space...

She can also be pretty noisy and I had to barricade them both out on Friday while I was on a call. Lots of complaining mews and paws scratching at the door!

One more picture just because it makes me smile :-

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It’s been pointed out that it’s been ages since my last blog and I have no excuse – I was being lazy!

The kids are doing well. Boomer is big now and has had her final jag so she can go out and meet other cats. Unfortunately though we can’t find a collar small enough for her and don’t want to lose her so she’s still confined to the garden! Poor Boomer!

When it’s time for Yu You’s walk she always tried to escape and gets dragged back in. We will have to try harder to find her a collar. Luckily she’s still a bit scared of noises and when she hears something she darts right back inside and hides. She leaves Yu You to take care of it!

Yu You is growing fast! Our puppy classes are going well and she now can do “sit!”, “down!” and “stand!” I’m not sure what good stand is for though! We’ve also taught her “Leave it!” so that she leaves her treat until we let her eat it. That took me a while but Daniel got her to do it very quickly. In fact with me she doesn’t step back at all but with Daniel she moves quite far from the treat incase she hears his “gowl” voice!

The latest excitement for us is our trip to Japan. As usual we have to worry about where the kids are going. Boomer was very easy to sort out. She is going to stay with her gran (mother in law) as she really likes Boomer. In actual fact I can think of many people who would love to look after her!

Yu You is harder though. I thought kennels at first as that’s what people seem to do but after looking at some pictures and thinking about it I have changed my mind. They look so horrid! Cages outside! I don’t think Yu You would like it. She’s only going to be 5 months old and I think kennels will set her house training back too. They tend to let them toilet in the kennels I think as they are easy to clean.

I have found a company called “Barking Mad” who specialise in boarding pets with people who want to look after dogs but for some reason don’t want one of their own. We have a visit tomorrow from the Glasgow South rep who will show us “brochures” (!!) of prospective homes for Yu You complete with pictures!! That will be interesting!

Some recent pics :

Yu You after a bath! See how much of her is hair!

The pets steal my sofa!

Also, Yu You can get down the stairs herself now! And Boomer is an excellent spider hunter!