Recent Yu You and Boomer Pics
Yu You has decided that sitting and looking out the window is not just for cats. Often both Boomer and Yu You will sit on the back of the sofa being nosy neighbours!
You can see from this photo how big Yu You is now. She still sleeps on her back but often her head hangs off the sofa - it doesn't seem to bother her though!
We've still got the little bit of matting that Yu You was born on and as you can see this is where she keeps all her stuff. Often she'll jump off the sofa to growl at Boomer if she goes to sniff at 'her' toys... it doesn't matter if they were originally Boomers toys!
I have no idea who's sock that is btw. It just appeared one day and we think it got stuck to our sheets at the laundrette! It's the secret life if socks! Somewhere out there are all the single socks that I have lost! Anyway, it's Yu You's sock now!
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